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When the mouth does not work with the brain

When the mouth does not work with the brain

This weekend I was trying to explain something to the hubby.
The more I tried to explain why I needed to go and get him some shoes, the more he kept getting upset because he didn't understand what the hell I was going on about.

I have to admit that I was trying to explain something that really had nothing to do with shoes.  I had got it into my head that I needed to do something nice for him as he was going away for work at the end of the week.   I had also bought myself some amazing shoes in the week and was feeling guilty about this.    This meant that I was trying to explain something in a way that had nothing to do with the idea in my head.  My mouth was off and away on its' own steam and my brain just couldn't keep up.

The more I thought about it, the more my mouth kept moving and words just kept coming out.    At this point, I stomped off and had a good sulk about how men never understand why we want to do things for them.

When I had got my brain and mouth into gear, I realized that the fault was with me.  I made the whole thing so complicated and kept throwing all sorts of things into the mix.   I came up with enough reasons why I should buy him shoes and he just wanted to stay in and have a quiet day.

Business is like that sometimes.   We have to simplify our messages or we are in danger of complicating things far too much.   We throw so much information at people that they just get confused.    We, humans, are simple creatures really.   We want to know what we want to know when we need to know it.    That's why we have so many insights to when our customers get their emails or when they are more likely to buy.  So much science goes into knowing how people behave.

Well, let's remember that when we speak to people, we need to keep it simple, smart and actionable.   Tell people what they want to hear, when they need it and tell them how to get it.

That way, you won't end up frustrated because you want to buy hubby shoes and he wants to watch the football.

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