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Superstar Public Speaking Tactics

Superstar Public Speaking Tactics

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Okay, you aren't going to become the next world renowned superstar just because you give a little speech in public. You name isn't going to be on the "lips of the world" tomorrow morning. Still, you can use some superstar strategy to make a better speech in your little corner of the world.
There are several things that those who are well-known public speakers do before they speak in public. These tactics are universally accepted as the best practices of successful public speakers, and basically they all relate to being prepared -- because your audience is certainly going to know if you are not prepared:

1. Videotape yourself:

I know, I know! Nobody likes to see themselves on video tape (me, either) but it is the very best way to see yourself as others will see you. You will see if you need to stand up straighter or if you are making the same hand gestures over and over again.

2. Practice, practice, practice:

Use your family and friends as sounding boards for your speech. Deliver your speech and then ask them what points they liked the best and also ask for constructive criticism.

3. Prepare yourself mentally for your public speaking engagement:

Use imagery. Imagine yourself giving your speech and people appreciating it and applauding the good job that you have done. If you can imagine success, you can achieve success.

4. Go with confidence.

Do not imagine failure. If you let the negative feelings of failure into your mind, it will increase the probability of failure. So you must simply reject all negative feelings and keep your self-confidence in tact.

Public speaking can be learned. The more you do it, the better you will get at doing it.

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