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Digital Gastronomy: From Fact to Fiction | The Next Women - Business Magazine

The NextWomen September Food & Fashion Theme. There’s no intellectual property protecting his creations – but he still creates every week. Stevan Paul hails from the Hanseatic tribes – those tough sea-faring fellows who sailed into headwinds and discovered new lands. So you could say that looking into the unknown and proudly stepping forward is natural to him. The Hamburg native had a fork in his hand since birth and – as far as we can imagine – started styling peas and carrots on his kiddie-plate since the early days. After a celebrated career cooking in leading houses of the German cuisine, with Franz Raneburger to Bamberger Reiter, Berlin and Peter Mueller in Huguenot, Hotel InterContinental Berlin he turned to food styling, creating the images on popular German food magazines that leaves our tongues dragging in supermarket isles. ...> Zum Original